Tag Archive for: mestkorrels

Gardening tips for sustainable garden maintenance

How do you maintain the garden in a sustainable way? With Komeco’s tips for sustainable garden maintenance you create a healthy basis for the soil on which plants can grow well. A healthy soil is the right foundation A good foundation is needed to create a beautiful garden. A good foundation means a healthy, fertile […]

Why organic fertilizers retain water and how that’s useful

One of the features of organic fertilizers is the water retaining capacity. It is a valuable feature because it contributes the soils’ water balance. Organic fertilizers retain water and prevents it from being wasted. Instead the water will be saved carefully in the organic fertilizer pellet. The right water balance boosts soil structure and the […]

10 advantages of organic fertilizers

There are different types of fertilizers to use for fertilizing land or the garden. This also applies in organic fertilizer pellets. The range is huge and did you know there are many advantages when using pellets? We wrote down the 10 advantages of using organic fertilizer pellets. Before you read all benefits, it is important […]