FERTISOL at German and European Input List

FERTISOL is from now on listed at both the German Input List as well as the European Input List. Both lists contain the products who meet the EU organic legislation, which mean that the products are aloud to be used for organic farming. These lists are well known and published yearly by FiBl Projekte GmbH. 

German Input List


The German Input List is one of the Input lists in Europe that was created to assess whether certain inputs may be used in organic farming or food processing. Inputs are materials or substances (in products) that can be used in organic farming or food processing. The Input lists ensure transparency and reliability of the origin of materials that are offered in the organic sector. Fertilizers are an example of inputs that are assessed. From now on FERTISOL is also part of the German Input List and also approved for the European Input List. We are very happy with this certification which increases the awareness and visibility of our brand FERTISOL. It also gives growers the certainty about the use of our fertilizer in organic cultivation.

You can find our product at the German Input List and European Input List.

Regulation No. 889/2008

Regulation (EC) No. 889/2008 refers to all substances (in products) that may be used as input in organic production in the European Union. The product FERTISOL complies with all regulations regarding the EU organic legislation. Our fertilizer also complies with the German legislation for general agriculture. FiBl Projekte GmbH compiles the list and assesses the products and inputs.

FERTISOL certifications

Our brand FERTISOL was already certified by Control Union and Ecocert, is part of the OMRI product list and from now on added to the European and German Input List. We are proud to add more and more certifications for our brand and that FERTISOL is thus approved for use in organic cultivation.

FERTISOL organic fertilizer nutrientsFERTISOL organic fertilizer for optimal working & healthy soil | KOMECO

FERTISOL is an organic fertilizer which feeds the soil with the right nutrients. Soil nutrition with FERTISOL ensures an optimal working and healthy soil. FERTISOL is the premium brand of Komeco and is distributed worldwide. The fertilizer is based on 100% organic composted manure and has 62% organic matter and an N-P-K of 4-3-3. It is therefore a natura land indispensable product fort he soil. For more information about FERTISOL.